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April 2
Town of Princeton  – April 2, 2014
PLANNING BOARD -- Regular Meeting & Public Hearing

7:30 PM  Administrative Business
The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Ann Neuburg, Jon Fudeman and John Mirick. Absent was Richard Bisk.
The board voted all in favor to approve minutes of March 12, 2014. Tom D. signed Form H for DCR dam repair plan for Leominster State Forest—Paradise Pond.
They discussed the memo from town counsel and decided it was too late to implement her suggestions, which were mostly concerning zoning bylaw  “definitions.”
Considered requesting following order of articles for ATM:  1] Worc. Rd. Village Overlay District, 2] PB change zoning south of Stagecoach to R-A, 3] Citizens’ Petition to expand #2 by changing more lots to R-A,  4] Correct zoning map/text (motion only if necessary) 5] Expand Business zone to north,  6]  Zoning Bylaw “housekeeping” corrections. Board agreed that John M. and Tom D. would meet with Moderator Harry Pape to informally discuss article sequence.

7:45 PM  Public Hearing    Tom D. opened public hearing for two zoning articles and explained the first one as corrections proposed for the zoning map and related text. Jon F. recused himself and moved from front table. The 2nd article was the citizens’ petition to change all lots south of Post Office Place (lot 33-1) on west side of Worc. Road and south of lot 44-1R on east side of road, from Business Zone to Res.-Agr. Cal Calmari spoke on behalf of the petition. Tom D. explained background of the proposals and the PB position on its own article. He then read a summary of comments received from three of the co-owners of the 20-acre Lot 46, which would change from Bus. to Res. under the citizens petition only. The owners stated they were adverse to “devaluing” their lot by curtailing options for development of the property.
To the south of Lot 46, Sean Conway also explained how he opposes changing his lot to R-A from Business, as he bought it specifically for the business zoning and felt a change would be taking away his opportunities and could mean a financial hardship. He also supported the village Overlay Zoning article because it created more options for business development. He felt that business is being “pushed out.” His abutter, Denise White, stated support for the citizens’ petition because it would lower the risk of any business going in next door to her.
Several residents spoke about the need for business for “vibrancy” and the services provided as well as tax revenue, while others claimed that commercial uses close to their houselots could create negative impacts such as noise, dust, extra traffic, etc..

8:55 PM  PB voted all in favor to close the public hearing.

8:57 PM  Adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  Worcester Road citizens’ petition; zoning maps; draft of Town Warrant Articles;  Bus. District map corrections. Owners’ comments.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department